Our eighth top tip when heading out onto the hills…

Gate Opening Master Class

Learn to open and close a gate without dismounting for safety, efficiency, and control!
The ability to open and close gates with ease is an important skill for both rider and horse and is highly recommended for riding out.

Step 1: The Approach The first step is simply getting your horse in position at the gate. This can be harder than it sounds for some horses! The ideal position you need to put yourself in is right up parallel to the gate, approaching the gate’s hinges until the latch is by the horse’s shoulder with the horse’s head and neck extending beyond the latch and the horse alongside the gate. Ideally your leg should almost be touching it. The horse being positioned parallel to the gate and facing away from the gate’s hinges is considered to give riders most control during the gate opening manoeuvre and it is most likely to avoid tack or anything else being caught by the gate.

Step 2: Touch the Gate
This step is about touching the gate. Shorten your reins and if your horse seems unsure, try just leaning a little bit at a time. Once they get used to you leaning forward, there then you can lean all the way there. Be careful not to become unbalanced when you reach for the latch. Now undo the gate latch.
Step 3: Open the Gate & walk through
Place your hand on the gate’s top bar backing your horse toward the hinges while running your hand along the bar. Now open the gate wide enough for you to safely walk through, this is always best to be done quietly and carefully. Do not rush. Back up far enough so that your horse’s nose will clear the post when you move forward and through the gate. Now walk through it!
Step 4: Close the Gate
You are now at the final stage! Make your u-turn and reach for the end of the gate, pivot with your hand on the bar slowly inching your way until you are parallel to the gate again, make sure the gate doesn’t bump into your leg or your horse’s side. Then pull the gate closed from a standstill.
Being a ‘good gate opener’ is a great credit to you and your horse.